Breaking Barriers to SME Growth The SME Growth and Opportunity Programme offers targeted financial and technical support to high-growth potential SMEs to accelerate their growth. The programme kicks off on the 16th of July, 2024. With the support of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Trade, the SME GO Programme is implemented by Ghana Enterprises Agency, Ghana EXIM Bank and Development Bank Ghana. It offers targeted financial and technical support to high-growth potential SMEs to accelerate their growth. Multiple applications under different business names will not be allowed. SMEs can only apply to one instrument. That is, persons who own multiple enterprises can apply with only one enterprise even if all their enterprises might be eligible to apply. Minimum requirements 1. SMEs must have majority Ghanaian shareholding (51% or more) 2. SMEs must be considered as an SME as per the legal definition 3. SMEs must be registered under Ghanaian law as a limited liability company, a partnership, or sole trader 4. SMEs must meet the eligibility criteria for the product they apply to. 5. SMEs must comply with the monitoring requirements. Applications will be screened to ensure compliance with the above-listed minimum requirements and eligibility prior to a detailed review and assessment of applicant’s financial support request. Further Due Diligence will be conducted for shortlisted applicants. Each entity expects that information and data supplied for the assessment of requests will be accurate and reserve the right to eliminate or terminate any arrangements should due diligence reports prove any falsification of data and statements.